Photo Stories: • Seattle's Deaf-Blind Community: Deaf-Blind-09T-Morgan

Despite the challenges of raising a deaf-blind son, Morgan,10, “there are so many benefits to having a special-needs child.” says Scott Trewin. “He is almost a pure spirit, not tainted or slanted from advertising other people’s thoughts. He is purely himself when he talks (by signing) and he gets pure enjoyment from life and cooperation with his family.  He does not understand the concept of lying- he says exactly what he wants.{quote}

Despite the challenges of raising a deaf-blind son, Morgan,10, “there are so many benefits to having a special-needs child.” says Scott Trewin. “He is almost a pure spirit, not tainted or slanted from advertising other people’s thoughts. He is purely himself when he talks (by signing) and he gets pure enjoyment from life and cooperation with his family. He does not understand the concept of lying- he says exactly what he wants."